
-Toxins and the Gut-Brain

Research increasingly shows that most of the diseases of modern living begin in the gut and are related to our diet. The gut-brain is a superhighway with many lanes where information is continuously flowing between the brain in the head and the...

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-Building an Ancestral Altar

In an earlier blog, I discussed how to turn your wounds into sources of power by shedding the stories of your past. We can also dump our historical baggage, the narrative we inherited over the course of thousands of years and many lifetimes – the...

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-Four Kinds of Courage

As a species, we humans are very intrepid. Ever since we first arrived on this planet, we’ve found the courage to survive the elements, overcome the challenges of nature that threatened our survival, and explore our world in order to make our lives...

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-The Shaman as a Luminous Warrior

To be a luminous warrior is to discover the power of fearlessness. Luminous warriors recognize that our job is to use love to vanquish its opposite – and its opposite is not hate, but fear. In the same way that darkness is the absence of light,...

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– What is a Power Animal?

From earliest times, humankind has used animals as totems and symbols of the highest ideals – the lion as a symbol of strength, the lamb as the purity of God, the serpent and eagle as symbols of the sacred principles of the universe. Mesoamerican...

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