
Clearing the Mother Energy

Clearing the Mother Energy

Many ask who is Gaia, Pachamama, the Divine Mother and how can I embrace her? One old Shaman explained that: “Your God is a descending God. He comes down from the heavens on rare occasions to touch those of us here on the Earth; whereas our deity...

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We Are Our Stories

We Are Our Stories

As nations and individuals, we are the product of the stories we tell ourselves about our origins, our childhood, our life, and our close brushes with death.  In our personal stories, we might feel hurt by rejection.  Then, we have all experienced...

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Lucid Dreaming

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is important because it helps us bring consciousness and awareness into our dreams.  Once we learn lucid dreaming, dreams no longer just “happen” to us.  As we realize we are dreaming, we are able to guide and direct our dreams....

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Radical Forgiveness

Radical Forgiveness

Every religion teaches the importance of forgiveness, whether in the form of turning the other cheek in Christianity or the Buddhist practice of sending loving-kindness to all beings.  Yet it is very difficult to simply decide to forgive someone...

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Sky Gazing Exercises

Sky Gazing Exercises

The practice of Sky Gazing is at the heart of spiritual practice in the Tibetan Dzogchen and other ancient shamanic traditions.  During this exercise you leave behind your mundane affairs and your seemingly all-important to-do lists and enter the...

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