As mother, mentor, visionary, healer, and student of life, Anetta loves empowering individuals to create and travel their own transformative journeys. She practices and teaches Energy Medicine with the Four Winds. Through her synthesis of Psychotherapy, Body practices, Mind practices and Energy Medicine, she tailors holistic and personal approaches to each individual's Life Quest.
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Neural Networks and Habits of the Mind
Neural networks are unique patterns created by millions of interconnected neurons. Individual neurons extend nerve fibers that reach out to other neurons like the branches on a tree. The links they create can direct traffic along many routes of an extraordinarily intricate web. The neural pathways can join to form networks through which particular patterns of thought, action, and reaction occur. In other words, the neural networks in your brain are made up of a team on nerve cells that have learned to fire together and have subsequently wired together to perform a specific, reproducible function. It is because of neural networks that you are able to accomplish such tasks as chewing gum, snapping your fingers, or recalling lyrics to your favorite song.
This is why, as you mull over a particular thought (good or bad) or practice a particular activity (beneficial or detrimental), you reinforce the neural networks that correlate with those thoughts and skills. Each time a situation reminds you of an actual fearful or dangerous experience from your past and instinctual emotions are brought up, that specific neural network is reinforced. We strengthen the toxic emotions and neural networks in our limbic brain and begin to create subconscious beliefs about life. These beliefs drive our actions and reactions in all experiences.
This reinforcement can be done without our knowledge or when we are milking an emotional trauma for sympathy, whether from others or from ourselves. We might say, for example, “I don’t have to act maturely; after all, I had a terrible childhood.” By creating and repeating such a statement, we reinforce neural networks and emotional habits that are as distinct as the postural habits from an old whiplash injury that has affected the vertebra and muscles of the spine. These networks give rise to emotions, then beliefs that keep us favoring past pain, as well as behaviors that continually reinforce the trauma as well as the pity we have learned to so successfully milk.
While such a repetitive, circular pattern once served to ensure our survival, it has become toxic and has given rise to erroneous beliefs about the world and acquaintances, friends, and even family. Because beliefs can be unconscious, they may present themselves in ways that surprise us. We may start and intimate relationship that falls apart when we discover the person is not really who we thought he or she was, but the situation might actually be the product of our own unconscious belief that we will never find a partner. Likewise, we may have a terrific career opportunity that collapses because deep down we believe that we are not worthy.
Are you ready to craft a map for your future that would guide you to new beliefs, new behaviors, and a new direction in life founded on a deep and trusting relationship with the world? A combination of nutritional supplements, glutathione, and hyperbaric oxygen – discussed in the Power Up Your Brain Program protocols will help you.