
— The Fourth Chakra

The fourth chakra, also called the heart chakra, is located at the cardiac plexus, in the center of the chest, and not over the heart itself. Its properties are: Element: Air Color: Green Body Aspects: Circulatory system, lungs, breasts, heart,...

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— The Third Chakra

The Third Chakra is among the five lower energy centers (Earth Chakras) which, like the roots of a tree, keep us grounded to Mother Earth. It is also one of the three chakras (solar plexus, heart, and throat chakras) that are nurtured by the finer...

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— The Second Chakra

The second chakra is one of five Earth Chakras, which nourish and ground us to Pachamama, just like the roots of a tree. This swirling disk of energy is located four fingers below the bellybutton, and its properties are: Element:  Water Color: ...

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— The First Chakra

The five lower chakras, from the root to the throat, are nourished primarily by the Earth and known as Earth Chakras. Imagine a tree whose roots go deep into the ground, drawing nutrients from the Earth and carrying them up the trunk to the highest...

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