Day One Start South
- Overview of Medicine Wheel
- Shedding the Past the Way the Serpent Sheds her Skin
- The Mythology of the Feminine
- Energy Medicine Overview
- Epigenetics: You are not your Genes, you are your Dreams
- Fire Ceremony
- Opening Sacred Space
Day Two
- Anatomy of the Luminous Energy Field
- The Four Directions and Four paths of the Shaman
- Ayni- Coming into Right Relationship
- The Levels of Engagement
- Healing Three Great Wounds
- The Brain and Scarcity, Anger and Violence
- Creating the Neural Networks for Health
- Shaman’s Agreement with Spirit
- Shamanic Rites of Passage: Bands of Protection
Day Three
- Breathing & Meditation Practices
- Tracking Energy Flows in the Body – Applied Kinesiology
- The Sand Painting as a Mythic Tool
- Time and The Four Brains
- Shamanic Rites of Passage: The Nature Archetypes
Day Four
- Anatomy of the Chakras
- Transforming Emotional Wounds into Sources of Compassion
- Resetting fight or flight
- The Illumination Process
- Combusting Toxic Energies in the Chakras
- Tracking/Reading the LEF
- The Mesa or Altar
- Clearing the LEF (Kutti)
- Shamanic Rites of Passage: Seers Rites
Day Five
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Creating the Energetic Conditions for Health
- The Neuroscience of Enlightenment
- The Brain and Scarcity, Anger and Violence
- Detox and Repairing Mitochondria
- Switching on the Longevity Genes
- Re-setting the Death Clock in every Cell
- Shamanic Rites of Passage: Healers Rites – Awakening the Hands
Day Six
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Neuro-nutrients that Repair and Upgrade the Brain
- Sacred Maps to Healing and Health
- How your Beliefs Create Reality
- Shamanic Tracking Practice
- Evening Free
Day Seven Start West
- The Shadow – the hidden parts of ourselves
- Testing the chakras – Harmonic Attunement
- Healing the ancestors – our genetic legacy
- Stories of three ancestors
Day Eight
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- The Ancestors Gifts
- Mapping the energies of family constellations
- Tracking where the ancestors live in your body and LEF
- Clearing (extracting) the luminous strands of the ancestors
Day Nine
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Honoring the ancestors – feast, fire and altar.
- Tracking skills
- Assemblage points, access, bridge, torus
- Perceptual States
Day Ten
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Karmic journey – visiting former lifetimes
- Death Rites & Eulogy
- Mythic Story to practice Perceptual States
Day Eleven
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Demonstration Stone Tracking
- Practices of the Jaguar
- Triangle of Dis-empowerment
- Shamanic Rites – Daykeepers
Day Twelve
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Walking with Protection – skills
- Exploring the Jungian Shadow
- Collective, personal shadows and how they create fear
- Stepping beyond fear –Jaguar Medicine
Day Thirteen
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Owning your Shadow
- The Shadow as Initiation
- Helping our clients during the ‘dark night of the soul.’
- Fire Ceremony
Day Fourteen
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- There are no safe places, only safe people
- Tracking and cutting energetic cords
- Afternoon and evening free.
Day Fifteen start North
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- The Three Mystery Teachings
- The Hero’s Journey
- Responding to the Call
- Becoming the storytellers and not the story
- The practices of Invisibility – allowing yourself to be seen
Day Sixteen
- Mastery of Time
- Stepping into Infinity, outside of time
- Shamans as calendar makers
- Introduction to Soul Retrieval
- Journeying to the past to find the source of soul loss
- The original wound
- Fate vs Destiny
Day Seventeen
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Journeys and maps to the Lower World
- Archetypes and myths – Persephone, Inanna
- Trauma is how we remember what happened…
- Discovering the four chambers of the soul
Day Eighteen
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Shedding our roles in the fire
- Journeys and maps to the Upper World
- Soul Retrieval Journeys
- Fire Ceremony
Day Nineteen
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- Soul Retrieval Sacred Drama
- Integrating newly-found soul parts
- New soul contracts
- Word deconstruction – breaking out of the old story
Day Twenty
- Mythic maps
- Shamanic Rites – the Wisdom Keepers
- Reading the signs of destiny
- Turning adversity into opportunity
- Divination and becoming divine
- Ancient tools – the I-Ching, Tarot
- Shamanic tracking skills
- Psychic fair-play
Day Twenty One
- Advanced mythic mapping skills
- Chaos theory and the butterfly effect
- Perceiving the inner nature of things
- Reading the signs of nature in random events
- The art and skills of the medical intuitive
- Evening free
Day Twenty Two start East
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
- All perception is projection of an internal map
- Charting mythic maps
- Discarding limiting beliefs
- Shamanic Tracking – the way of the Seer
- Tracking practice
Day Twenty Three
- Advanced mythic mapping skills
- Tracking Destiny
- Journey to the Upper World
- Mapping the Upper World
- Knocking on Heaven’s Door
- Meeting the Gatekeeper
Day Twenty Four
- Assisting the dying
- The energetic glues that bind the LEF to the body
- The great death spiral
- Recapitulation and life review
- Forgiveness
- Creating sacred spaces (Huacas)
- Life transits – shamanic alchemy
- Death rites
Day Twenty Five
- Assisting a loved one who has passed years before (retroactive death rites)
- Tracking destinies and anchoring them in a clients time-line
- Tracking future healed states
- Dreaming the world into being
- Getting out of this life alive
- Mapping the territory beyond death
Day Twenty Six
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice
- Distant viewing practices
- 7 Chakra Illumination
- Mastering time: working in the timeless now
- The 22 archetypes of humanity
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice.
Day Twenty Seven
- Supervised Energy Medicine Practice
- The creative power of the shadow
- The man’s archetypal journey to wholeness
- The woman’s archetypal journey to wholeness
- Initiation as healing
- The sacred marriage of the masculine and feminine
- Closing Fire Ceremony
Day Twenty Eight
- Review of the Energy Medicine Skills
- Building your practice
- Bringing your gifts to the world!
- Lunch Graduation Party