Like the birds’ songs

In our prayers we often say “thank you Great Spirit for allowing us to sing the song of life one more day”. I really love this line and it rings so true in my heart as I feel the gratitude for being alive.

Yet, I did not always feel that way. In my late twenties while utterly lost, I felt “like a bird without a song” to quote a line from “Sitting in limbo” by artist Jimmy Cliff. Yes! I used to imagine a little bird trying to remember the reason for his existence. In the same way, I was trying to figure out what was next for me. Where had my passion for life gone? Did I even have a song?

While sitting in that psychic darkroom, the shamanic path opened before me – within the context of the Four Winds – and I stepped into it feeling like I had nothing left to lose. But I was mistaken, I had a lot to lose in order to retrieve my passion for life. For the next four years, I peeled away layers of limiting beliefs, fears, and toxic relationships. Then I found a more wholesome version of myself ready to sing the song of life again.

Since then my life has been rich, however, not free from difficult and terrifying challenges including a long separation from my most loved ones, a pulmonary illness that lasted years and the ebbs and flows of relationships at home, socially and at work. However, this entire time I contemplated how birds rise at dawn with their song no matter if the skies are blue or grey, and then again they sing at dusk as they call each other home.

In this and other ways birds are such inspiration and, like them, I strive to show up with my morning song regardless if I am experiencing personal clouds or sunshine and rainbows. Then I feel like I am singing the song of life exactly as it is – and not to the naïve fantasy of what life should be.

When we wake up embracing reality in its naked truth we are closer to its essence and thus we can experience not only its weight and constrains, but also its boundless space and possibilities. We tune in not only to the sense of duty and responsibility, but also to the opportunities for freedom.

In that presence we can also keep listening to the birds’ songs!


Marcela Lobos