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expeditions1Dates: August 7-19, 2017
Hosts: Dr. Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos

For countless millennia, the shamans have been keepers of ancient rites. They believe that if it were not for their stewardship of the Earth through prayer and ceremony, certain gateways to our collective destiny would be lost forever.

Join Dr. Alberto Villoldo and Marcela Lobos on a journey of ceremony to explore the wisdom we will need in order to thrive during the years to come in these times of great change.

The Return of the Magicians is an annual gathering to read the Prophecy of the Time to Come. This year the shamans will be taking the pulse of our planet and the changes that are causing such upheaval in the world.

Every day you will visit temples and archeological sites with Marcela and Alberto, and take part in ceremonies led by renowned medicine men and women. In the evening you will learn and master each of the Four Insights of the Medicine Way.

During this journey you will have daily contact and instruction from Alberto and Marcela, as well as the shamans who have worked with us for decades. Due to our lengthy relationship with these medicine people, they will share with us insights and lessons they do not disclose to other Westerners.

You will also receive rites of initiation that will help you become an Earthkeeper and truly make a difference in your life, and in the destiny of the Earth.

Every day you will join in ceremony with master shamans at ancient places of power. In the mornings you will practice yoga in our beautiful lodge in the Sacred Valley, near the ancient Inka capital of Cusco.

Come to the source!
We invite you to journey with Dr. Alberto Villoldo, one of the first American anthropologists to work with the Andean shamans more than 30 years ago. Walk the ancient paths of the shaman and become part of the revolution in consciousness.

In his recent webinar, The Return of the Magicians, Alberto Villoldo Alberto Villoldo discusses the importance of coming together in community and how you can become part of the revolution of consciousness.

Land costs $4,800 Double occupancy, $5,550 Single occupancy


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Dates: August 19-24, 2017
Host: Julie Hannon, Senior Faculty – The Four Winds Society

Lake Titicaca is the source and origin of the Inka, who were born on the sea on top of the world. Here the Sun and the Moon gave birth to the first Inka and Coya, who emerged from Lake Titicaca and journeyed north to the valley of Cusco and founded the Empire of the Sun. The conquistadors established an important shrine to the Virgin of rebirth and new life in Lake Titicaca.

Our journey will have as its focus our own emergence as we do ceremonies and meditations with the transformative energies of these power places. We will visit the ancient towers of Sillustani, the burial ground of kings, queens and shamans, in the middle of Lake Umayu, the river of consciousness. We will call on new life at the Temple of Fertility. We visit the floating reed islands of the Uru peoples whose myth of origin points to Sirius, the Dog Star. Ceremony at the Temple of Illapa, the Lightning God, and Pachamama the Mother Earth will balance the polarities in our lives. We step into our becoming at Amaru Muru, the mountain gateway known as the Andean Stargate.

Throughout the journey we will be surrounded by the beauty of islands that are virtually undisturbed since Inka times. At Amantani, we stay in the homes of villagers, where we experience the purity and joy of their traditional life.

Group limited to 16 persons.
Land costs $2,900 Double occupancy, $3,200 Single occupancy

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Awakening the 10 Tantric Wisdom Goddesses

expeditions3Dates: October 3-14, 2017
Hosts: Marcela Lobos and Monika Nataraj

A potent, experiential journey celebrating women’s rites of passage and the evolutionary path of the tantric wisdom goddesses. Join Marcela and Monika in prayer, dance, ritual and meditation to awaken the Cosmic Powers of the Universe, also known as the Mahavidyas. Through shamanic ceremonies and tantric teachings, you leave behind the stories and roles that no longer serve you and discover your true beauty, inner wisdom, alive awareness, fierce wildness, and the feminine mystery that lies at the heart of each of us. This is a transmission of an esoteric yet practical map to guide you through deep transformation and the way of the feminine divine.

Los Lobos is an intimate retreat and monastery in the mountains where you take part in a sweat-lodge ceremony, fire rituals, movement medicine meditations, nature explorations, and hikes. You also enjoy organic cuisine and get pampered in the spa with an ample option of treatments – from a facial to osteopathy to energy medicine.

Embracing the mystical insight granted through the gates of the 10 Mahavidyas and the power of Ma Durga, we leave behind the pain of our mothers and celebrate the community and potential of our sisters. With the help of earth, water, fire, wind, and song, we emerge renewed, awakened!

 Marcela and Monika bring a combined 40 years of profound sacred practices for women experience.

This unique gathering is groundbreaking, as we intricately weave the wisdom traditions of the Himalayas and the Andes. Each of the 10 Tantric Wisdom Goddesses come alive through embodied exercises, meditation, medicine dance and sacred ritual in a way not shared anywhere else. Potent shamanic ceremonies anchor the teachings. We also dare to tap into the endless transformational well of igniting and harnessing our sexual energy.

Following our journey, you may continue to the region of lakes, hot springs and volcanoes in Southern Chile; to the dramatic landscapes of Patagonia; to the attractive town of San Pedro in the Atacama Desert plateau; or to mystic Easter Island. We can recommend hotels and transport!

About Monika Nataraj:
Monika is a pioneer of modern sacred feminine practices, and transformational teacher-trainings for women. She travels the world studying and practicing with spiritual masters and, in turn, teaching sacred traditions. Monika is passionate about movement mysticism, tantric yoga, meditation, travel and community work. She enjoys dancing the Divine into existence, finding Truth in every breath and sharing with others.

Group limited to 28 women.
Lodging not included, to view room options click here.

Optional upgrade: Brain Bar click here for more information.

$2,350 plus lodging

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