An Invitation to

The Great Gathering


Imagine getting to go to the birthplace of the Andean Shamanic teachings.

Picture yourself surrounded by pristine mountains. Meeting the Shamans in person, as well as your cohort of fellow practitioners. This can be a reality!

You are invited to The Great Gathering!

For the first time ever, we are so proud and excited to be hosting a 4-day in-person event, exclusively offered for members of the Four Winds Masters Circle, and that’s you!

Why should I join this gathering?


Immerse yourself in the profound energy

Of Peru’s Sacred Valley – place of immense spiritual power


Indulge in a luxurious 5-star wellness hotel

Designed for comfort and relaxation


Meet in person

With Alberto Villoldo, Marcela Lobos, the Q’ero shamans and your Four Winds teachers


Connect with your fellow students

And master practitioners


Enjoy four enriching days

Fully devoted to medicine and deep connection


Participate in exclusive teachings

And extraordinary expeditions


Experience profound healing sessions

That transcend conventional boundaries


Participate in powerful ceremonies

That forge a bond of unity on this transformative journey

Click the button to email our secretary, Samanta, and reserve your spot for the expedition.

The beauty of it all in-person


It’s so important in this day and age of high speed online interaction (which has its benefits to be sure), to slow down and gather together in person. You will get a chance to meet the sons and daughters of the Q’ero shamans that Alberto trained with decades ago – now fully fledged shamans themselves. And you’ll get to spend time with Alberto and Marcela!

This is a chance to deepen your connection to the origins of Shamanism, as well as make lasting friendships with other students of the Master’s Circle and The Energy Medicine Training.

Information about the expedition

The Great Gathering is a 4-day in person event.



April 20-24, 2024


Master’s Circle Members Pricing:

$1050 for single occupancy

$750 for double occupancy


Energy Medicine Graduates Pricing:

$1550 for single occupancy

$1250 for double occupancy


Booking Contact:

[email protected]



Travel & what to bring

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Travel & what to bring

Daily schedule

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